Monday, 3 September 2012

Think Again Before You Do These 5 Medical Tests

A blood test to detect the disease may not be harmful to you. However, count the number of times you perform medical tests in a year that may not be all you really need. Also, how much do you spend to pay for the test.

Performing routine medical examinations are preventive measures. However, according to cardiologists at University of California, San Francisco, Professor Rita Redberg, MD, medical examination procedures also pose risks such as exposure to radiation during a CT scan, not to mention the fear of needles which is actually nothing to worry about.

According to Redberg, the doctor will recommend a series of tests in belief that the test is not going to hurt patients and can provide more accurate information. However, according to specialists in internal medicine Kenny Lin, MD, of Georgetown University, as a patient you can also consider refusing medical tests that are deemed unnecessary.

For that, prior to the examination, know first the objectives, risks, and what is the next step of such tests if the results are abnormal. Here are five types of medical examination to know so you can avoid unnecessary medical examinations.

1. ECG Test

This test is to detect potential heart problem. Then, the test results will be recommended to cardiologists.

You do not need this test if you do not have symptoms of heart disease. According to the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, there is no evidence that the ECG will protect yourself from heart attack and make you live longer. Dr Redberg said many healthy people had minor abnormalities in the heart. But that did not mean you had heart disease.

2. X-rays Test or MRI Scan for Low Back Pain

This test is to convince you that there is a problem on your back. Dr. Lin said, you do not need this test because in general, the result of this test has nothing to do with back pain. Pain in the back mostly due to muscle strain. Later, the muscle will get better by itself.

You may take this test if your back pain lasts more than six weeks coupled with other symptoms such as numbness in the legs or bladder problems.

3.  Yearly Urine and Blood Test

Regular urine test every year  is to check for infections on the bladder, kidney problems or to find out how much cholesterol in your blood is. 

If your cholesterol is normal, there is no benefit check more than once a year. Dr. Lin stated, you need a blood test if you have symptoms of a bladder infection, such as pain when urinating. 

4. Dental X-Ray Test

This test is to check for tooth decay and gum disease, especially for new patients. You do not need this test because you will be exposed to radiation as well as potentially cause cancer. According to a dentist, Mansur Ahmad, Ph.D., Professor of Oral Medicine and Diagnosis of the University of Minnesota, you may do this test if you have symptoms of gum disease, or are undergoing orthodontic specialists in the stirrup mounting. 

5. PSA Test

This test is to detect prostate cancer. You should not do this test if you do not recognize the symptoms yet. Many experts do not agree, but earlier this year the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force decided that the test does not save lives. The invasive nature of the procedure as biopsy and its painful effect makes the test is considered more risky than beneficial for men.

If you still want to do this test, do by your own desire, and in-depth consultation with a physician associated with the risks.

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